Integrate With Your Existing Systems

ComplianceAuthor® AI doesn’t replace your core business systems – it adds functionality, new capabilities and speed.

Enhance global labeling workflow
with generative AI

ComplianceAuthor® AI simplifies your internal processes around authoring, reusing, translating, and managing product labels.

Leverage the power of
API configuration

ComplianceAuthor® AI has the ability to interface with your existing systems via application programming interface (API) configuration. Interfaces can be established to crawl and monitor data for insights and to publish approved data and documents into desired repositories.


Streamlined label authoring

Create and deploy structured content components across the globe. Make a change once, and gain insights to determine the next best action.

  • Cut your labeling process by up to 50%
  • Manage change control with tracking and compliance reporting
  • Facilitate instant feedback across teams


Search & discover

Next, it uses intelligent search capabilities to identify binary duplicates, document classification, and improve data integrity and governance.


Author & publish

Lastly, it transforms your data to a structured format for authoring and output in any format, which can be easily transferred to existing data repositories.

Questions about integrating?